+447949424979 laura@welove2befit.com
Intensity, I need you!

Intensity, I need you!

How many times you go to the gym and not only you do not seem to reach your goals and leave without any energy? This is a common story… I see and know personally many individuals that however making the effort of hitting the gym everyday, they seem to be and...
Chocolate only on Thursday

Chocolate only on Thursday

One thought has been in my mind for a while: The importance of education and value for things starts at home. Mum, Dad and carers including nannies, play a paramount role upbringing a healthy child. I remember clearly that, neither my brothers or I were allowed to eat...
Training through Covid19…from any country!

Training through Covid19…from any country!

Homeoffice and stay at home…the horrible new working-day for many. Now more than ever it is paramount to stay fit, to keep moving and to maintain a good immune system trough exercise and physical activity. We promote this and we do this too. Up and down the...
Where is my FAT?

Where is my FAT?

Depending on the location we have: Visceral, subcutaneous, ectopic, intramuscular and epicardial fat. Let’s break it down: Visceral Fat is packed in between the internal organs. It is semiliquid however the looks from outside are a solid like a bumpy tummy....
Your health in winter

Your health in winter

Yep, another winter season and with it the flu, colds and many other illnesses around. But, are we all prone to get sick? Why some people hardly ever catch a cold whilst others catch everything that moves in the air? Is there a reason behind this and if so can we...